Friday, September 9, 2011

Shiv's tricks; Quick Makeup Removal

Howdy Folks!!

Here's a tip I swear by for removing the bulk of heavy makeup initially before cleansing, or when you need to remove makeup in a hurry only to re-apply it again asap!!

The only one's I can honestly swear by personally are the simple baby wipes which cost about €2.25 here in Ireland.

Apart from those one's I would say try some out for yourself to see what suits your own skin. Just make sure that they are sensitive, fragrance free, alcohol free etc.

But  otherwise..... enjoy saving a few pence on them!

Take care,



  1. Thank you for sharing your technique is easy, quick make up removal. Some of us are just so tired at the end of the day.

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  2. This baby wipes are really awesome they are very handy.

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