Friday, November 13, 2015

Inglot SWATCH Fest! 105 EyeShadow Swatches.

PLEASE NOTE; The above numbers are in reverse order by mistake!
So the correct number in correct order are;
15 (Orange), 413 (turquoise), 422 (bronze), 441 (purple), 482 (Navy).

PLEASE NOTE; The above numbers are in reverse order by mistake!
So the correct number in correct order are;
15 (Orange), 413 (turquoise), 422 (bronze), 441 (purple), 482 (Navy).

PLEASE NOTE; 555 above is actually 355


  1. This is fantastic, thank you! I have only ordered from Inglot once and it was such a pain having to google swatches for every individual colour. Definitely bookmarking this!

    1. Thanks Sharon! I only just realised that the numbers in the first picture are accidentally in reverse order but I've added a note under the swatch pictures.

  2. Thank you for these swatches. This is exactly what I have been trying to find. Do you know if there are any MAC dupes in Inglot and what they are? Thanks.

    1. Oh I'm sure there are but I've never tried to compare them. Good idea though! Not sure if other people have done it.Sorry. xx


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