.....how cute are the website graphics.....
The company is an ethical one, not testing on animals, believes in fair trade, uses recyclable packaging & also donates "to a charity working to transform relationships and end violence against women both in the UK and internationally."
(Package the products arrived in)
My favourite body products of the lot.
"Peace Bath & Body oil"
From Website;
"Peace I leave with you" Bath & Body Oil contains three of the best oils you can find for your skin - Jojoba oil, Almond oil and Thistle oil. They are known for their anti-aging and protective qualities, as they are packed with vitamins and essential fatty acids. In addition, our oil contains Vitamin E, a known antioxidant and essential oils of Lavender, Chamomile & Hyacinth.
"Love Bath Melt"
"Love Bath Cake"
From Website;
Our Love range contains a romantic blend of:
Ylang Ylang
Mandarin pure essential oils
I highly recommend checking out the website when ye get a second, even to just coo over the prettiness and girliness of the pages. I'm looking forward also to trying out some new products in the new year and promise to keep ye informed on that when I know more!!!
In the mean time,
Take Care & Chat soon,
Looks amazing! thanks for sharing