Saturday, March 1, 2014

My GIGANTIC NYC Makeup Hauls!!!!

My trip to NYC & beyond was pretty epic as far as holidays go, firstly as it was my first time ever visiting the continent of America & the U.S, and secondly because the makeup shopping there is amazing!!! They have so many stores and companies that we don't have here in Ireland so my not going a bit mental just wasn't an option!!! Ha ha.
Watch the 4 following videos to see what goodies I brought home with me from the States from Sephora, MAC, the ELF studio & Target.


  1. Love these videos!
    Im planning on going to New York soon and will definitely be doing some make up shopping! I was just wondering if you had to pay any form of customs or tax on any of the items when coming back home? X

    1. Hi Kay :) Oh you'll have the best time shopping there I promise!!! I think you only have to pay customs if you claim tax back as a non-US resident, which I didn't so it was fine. x

  2. Hi Kay :) Oh you'll have the best time shopping there I promise!!! I think you only have to pay customs if you claim tax back as a non-US resident, which I didn't so it was fine. x


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