Friday, November 26, 2010

Welcome to!!!

Hey Everyone:)
I finally got my backside in gear and have got up & running!!
It's going to be a work in progress I'm sure over the next few weeks until I get the hang of things, but please bear with me in the mean time!
I plan on uploading all new makeup videos from my youtube channel to here on the same day as well as a full product list and any other information needed to accompany the video.
I'm sure I will be adding other features as I go along, and as I discover them.
Please feel free to "follow" me and make sure to leave me your feed back:)
Thanks a million guys and welcome!!

Chat soon,


  1. I never realized your website had a blog, too.
    :) I'm glad to be a follower.

  2. Thank you!! Glad to have ya onboard ^_^ xx


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