Friday, October 25, 2013

Ootd; "Fifty Shades of Green!" ft. Romwe, Newlook, Primark.

Howdy Guys,
It has been such a busy month for me so far mainly because of the Halloween makeup videos (which can take about 2 days each to complete from start to finish with set-up, filming, editing etc), as well as all my other work and that means a lot of hours/days spent indoors and plonked down in front of my computer...
So yesterday I allowed myself a rare day off and actually ventured out into the world! (though my days off still include a couple of hours of dealing with e-mails, comments, moderation of accounts etc)
One of my errands included having to pop out to my family home in the countryside to pick up mail, so I took advantage of this by filming a quick outfit of the day featuring one of my current favourite dresses, a recently acquired piece c/o
I also have been wearing my favourite cape a lot recently which I bought in the January sales from Newlook a couple of years ago and which I love to death! It's a really unique coat that I always get compliments on when I wear it :)
The bag is an oldie but a goodie from Penneys (Primark) of course! They bring out different designs every year, but I love when they release the more vintage feeling ones.
My boots are from Dunnes Stores and also a couple of years ago but they are classics that get a lot of mileage every winter, I especially like the khaki shade of the material.  
I hadn't intended to wear so many shades of green, it just happened..... The background is quite fitting incidentally! Around my family house is always so green, even in the winter because of the evergreens around the garden. I always get comments on how green our grass is and it is! ... BUT it's because it's always feckin' raining!!!! And in the West of Ireland we have the delightfully annoying side-ways rain that no brollie can keep from frizzing up your pristinely straightened hair 0_o
I love it here though and wouldn't change it for the world :)

On my lips;
MAC's 'Vino' Lip Pencil!

$87.99 at time of writing!

Until next post,
Take it easy Guys!



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