Sunday, June 2, 2013

Styling Shiv on LetzMakeup!

Hey Guys,

Apologies for the lack of posts etc lately, sometimes I find it near impossible to fit them in when work and life gets in the way. Good news though is that I will be working a day less in my retail job from July onwards so that's going to be a great thing for LetzMakeup!
Another decision I came to is to amalgamate my ShivInTheBox styling posts with my LetzMakeup blog (ie. move them over to here!!). I have considered feedback from viewers & blog followers and chatted to a few other bloggers and decided to just keep all makeup AND fashion related content on the one blogger platform since they are on the one Youtube Channel. This will of course be a good thing for any companies I work with also as it guaranties them greater readership for blog posts related to them, which in turn will benefit the blog & you guys with the possibility of more collaborations in the future. (basically a broader range of products/items to share with ye via blog posts, ootd's etc).

The ShivInTheBox blog, which is accessible by clicking on the matching tab at the top of this blog, will be updated less frequently as a result, but if & when I have any non-makeup or fashion/styling posts to share with ye, it will be on there and will correlate with the ShivInTheBox Youtube channel as before. For instance, I hope to cover at least some of my trip to croatia in July on there!!

So in the next few days I will move my recent styling posts over from to here so that anyone who has missed out on them can catch up, and pre-apologies to anyone who has seen/read them already!! And of course, I will still prioritise makeup & beauty posts on here, so anyone who is less interested in the fashion side of things won't be losing out. There will basically be more happening on to hopefully interest all readers/followers.

And on a final note, look out for a giveaway over the next week or so to get the ball rolling! I will be giving away a new pair of sunglasses and a necklace, more information to follow shortly. Plus I will be also holding a beauty giveaway soon after!

Thanks for putting up with my babbling and faffing about ^_^

Chat soon,



  1. Beauty giveaway you say? :) must look out for it. The hoodie's very cute :D

    1. Ha ha, yes! Thanks, will announce giveaways sooooonnnnnnn :)

  2. Welcome to Croatia! You will see how beautiful it is!


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